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Elements of my website are missing

Our software needs to request assets (such as CSS files) from your end-user's website so that it can correctly display the webpage to your agent. These files may be incorrectly specified or inaccessible when requested, meaning that they do not appear to the agent.

In all cases we suggest looking to both the client and agent side console to see if there are any errors shown within the log.

You may see error messages in the developer console relating to https://cobrowse.io/proxy/1/assets/<hex encoded asset> . You can check which assets are encoded by pasting the <hex encoded asset> into https://cryptii.com/pipes/hex-decoder.

Here are some common causes and solutions:

Incorrect MIME types (e.g. some images do not load)

A MIME type is outlined here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types.

When your website specifies the MIME type incorrectly, then our server cannot correctly interpret it and it will not load for the agent even if it appears fine for the user. 

Solution: Use the javascript console on the agent side to find the resources that are not loading correctly, and correct their type on your website.

Incomplete SSL certificate chain 

If your SSL certificate chain is not complete then our server will not be able to access the untrusted resources and they will not appear for the agent.

Solution: fix the certificate chain.

Pre-production environments

In pre-production environments (such as UAT), these assets may not be exposed to the public internet and so sometimes the styling elements of your webpage will not appear. In production environments, these assets are always available and so there is no problem!

Solution: whitelist requests from *.cobrowse.io

Please contact us at hello@cobrowse.io if this method is not suitable for your environment or you require further assistance!

Does Cobrowse work on websites with shadow DOM components?

Yes, the only requirement is that they must be in "open" mode.