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  2. Genesys Cloud integration

Use your custom chat widget with Cobrowse.io integrations for Genesys?


Cobrowse.io integrations for Genesys Cloud, Engage Workspace Web Edition (WWE), and Engage Workspace Desktop Edition (WDE) work out of box with Genesys chat widgets.

However, some clients will implement custom chat widgets using Genesys APIs, and will want to make sure these custom implementations work with Cobrowse.io integrations the same way. 

Good news! Your custom chat widget is likely to work with Cobrowse.io out-of-the-box with no changes required. 

Minimum requirements

In the event your custom chat widget does not work with the Cobrowse.io integrations for Genesys out-of-the-box, then this article explains the minimum steps required.

When integrating the Cobrowse.io Web SDK on your website alongside your custom chat widget, you will need to pass the following Genesys Ids to Cobrowse.io as customData, depending on which Genesys products you are using. 

In the Genesys Widgets Bus documentation, we recommend subscribing to the 'WebChatService.started' event, and then pulling the required fields out of the event data. 

Documentation on Genesys Widgets Bus (CXBus) available at https://all.docs.genesys.com/WID/Current/SDK/GWCBusAPIOverview.

Documentation on Cobrowse.io customData available at https://docs.cobrowse.io/sdk-features/identify-your-devices

Genesys Cloud

The specific Cobrowse.io customData field to populate is genesys_conversation_id, for example:

let customData = {};
customData.genesys_conversation_id = 'xyz';
CobrowseIO.customData = customData;

Engage Workspace Web Edition (WWE)

The specific Cobrowse.io customData field to populate is genesys_session_id, for example:

let customData = {};
customData.genesys_session_id = 'xyz';
CobrowseIO.customData = customData;

Additionally, the following fields will be populated in reporting for Engage Workspace Web Edition (WWE):

  • Genesys Interaction Id
  • Genesys Case Id

Engage Workspace Desktop Edition (WDE)

The specific Cobrowse.io customData field to populate is genesys_session_id, for example:

let customData = {};
customData.genesys_session_id = 'xyz';
CobrowseIO.customData = customData;

Additionally, the following fields will be populated in reporting for Engage Workspace Desktop Edition (WDE):

  • Genesys Interaction Id
  • Genesys Case Id 
  • Genesys Connection Id 
  • Genesys Interaction Type