1. Knowledge Base
  2. Session data & recordings

Why is [x] not in my session metadata?

A description of session metadata can be found here: Session metadata.

Customer (SDK) side session metadata

Basic customer platform information should be available as shown in the above link.

Additional custom data that you specify will also be added: https://docs.cobrowse.io/sdk-features/identify-your-devices.

If any of this custom data is missing, then please check your configuration. You should see errors in the customer-side javascript console.

Agent side session metadata



Agent email addresses are not passed through to Cobrowse from Zendesk. 

Genesys Cloud

Interaction/Conversation IDs are only passed to Cobrowse from the Interaction Widget App, i.e. not the standalone app which is accessed outside of interactions. 

JWT information

You can check if the correct agent claims are being sent in your token at https://jwt.io/.